Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Reconnect

I have waited a long time for this. Being someone prone to doubt even some of the most unshakeable certainties, I often wonder if it will arrive again. I should know better than not to have faith. It always comes -- this mysterious force that calls us back. Like a ball that has been vaulted heavenward, I too must conform to this law of gravity. It has summoned me. This is the Reconnect.

I am an individual who relishes in solitude. There is a private joy in not having to deal with anyone other than one's self. And yet, as I have been reminded continually throughout my life, there is a certain emptiness -- a sorrow -- that accompanies my solitude. And in that thought, it becomes clear: I am not alone -- nay, I cannot be alone. And at that moment, I am reconnected -- I become more than merely me. I become part of something grander. But what is this to which I reconnect? And why does it occur?